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Transparent association


The Association


The "Pro Sacile - Association for social promotion" is established pursuant to the Civil Code and the Legislative Decree of 3 July 2017, n. 117 and the regional laws in force.

Founded on November 27, 1949 when the organizing committee of the centuries-old Sagra dei osei was formed as an association, Pro Sacile is included in the National Register of Pro Loco Associations, pursuant to and by effect of art. 2 / b of Law no. 147, just DM Tourism and Entertainment on 19 August 1967, and is registered under no. 75 of the Regional Register of Pro Loco referred to in art. 33 of the Regional Law n. 34 of 11 August 1980.

Tax data

  • New title: Pro Sacile - Association of social promotion

  • Legal and operational headquarters in via Ruffo 10, Sacile (PN).

  • VAT number 01288450933.

  • Tax number 80009480932.

  • Unique code for electronic invoicing M5UXCR1.

  • Certified mail


The Pro Sacile current account is domiciled at the Banca di Cividale - Sacile branch with IBANIT18 X054 8464 990C C057 0420 796.



Pursuant to article 35 of the decree law 30 April 2019, n. 34, concerning "Urgent measures of economic growth and for the resolution of specific crisis situations", the information relating to grants, subsidies, benefits, contributions or aid, in cash or in kind, paid in the previous financial year is published by the public administrations referred to in article 1, paragraph 2, of legislative decree no. 165 and by the subjects referred to in article 2-bis of legislative decree no. 33.


With the aim of demonstrating maximum transparency towards sponsors, public administrations and citizens who experience our events and invest in our activities, we publish our financial statements and the main documents relating to the administration of Pro Sacile.

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